Top Tried And Tested Home Remedies For Clear Skin

 Originally Published On ShaadiWish

If you are wondering whether home remedies for clear skin are effective at all, trust us, because they totally are worth your try just once. (ONLY if you follow them religiously for over a period of time.)

After all, when struggling with acne related issues or dark spots and dry skin, we always end up reaching out to our pockets to buy those branded beauty products which promise healthy and glowing skin. However, truth be spoken, they are not efficient enough to cure the problem from their roots and can only act as a temporary fix. Whereas sticking to the natural remedies which are easily available in your kitchen is always a better and safer alternative. 

Swear by these home remedies for clear skin which actually work:

1. DIY Detox Water For Clear And Spotless Skin

Prepare your very own detox water by using lemon, cucumber and mint leaves. Keep drinking this detox water regularly for long lasting and healthy skin. 

home remedies for clear skin

Why Lemon, Cucumber and Mint?

While Lemon helps manage endocrine dysfunction which keeps spots and acne at its bay, Cucumber’s cooling properties rejuvenate the skin. Mint, on the other hand, helps in regulating indigestion and clearing any internal infections.

Don’t miss this DIY skincare routine that every bride-to-be should follow.

2. Use Aloe Vera As One Of The Home Remedies For Clear Skin.

Aloe vera has antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties which do wonders on acne prone skin. It also acts as an astringent and tightens pores. Further, it’s an excellent moisturizing agent and helps in eliminating dryness and flaking of skin.


ShaadiWish Tip: It is advisable to use fresh Aloe Vera gel from its plant for best results. Also, don’t forget to run a patch test before applying it on your face since it doesn’t work on all skin types.

3. Oatmeal Face Mask

Use oatmeal for skin exfoliation as it does wonders in making skin soft and glowing by removing all the dead skin cells. It also moisturizes the skin and exhibits anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities.

oatmeal mask, home remedies for clear skin

ShaadiWish Tip: Mix it with honey and lemon juice to form a paste and apply it on the face. Let it dry before you rinse it with lukewarm water.

Further, check out these easy homemade face packs for every skin type.

4. Include Tomato Juice In Your DIY Skincare Routine

Tomato contains lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects your skin from UV damage and oxidative stress which in turn will make your skin glowing and healthy.

tomato5. Rub Potato Slices On Your Face

Potato contains enzymes and vitamin C that nourish your skin naturally. It’s acidic properties further help in removing dead skin cells, thus revealing glowing skin underneath.

potato6. Green Tea For The Win Win!

The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties in green tea is an effective treatment for acne and oily skin. A green tea steam is also a great way to detoxify your pores and keep your skin hydrated.

green tea7. Turmeric

Don’t miss including turmeric in your home remedies for clear skin as it is a natural antiseptic and therapeutic agent which is widely used to treat minor cuts, wounds, pimples, and acne. It also has skin lightening properties that can help in getting rid of spots and blemishes.

home remedies for clear skin

We bet you will find all of these ingredients in your kitchen itself without you having to spend extra. Give these natural ingredients a try by indulging in DIY skincare routine and see results for yourself.

Further, End your search for the best bridal makeup artists with ShaadiWish!

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